Choir programs

"I was born with songs"
"I was born with songs" is a musical and literary fantasy based on poems by Sergei Yesenin from different years. The work is based on reflections on the fate of Russia, the future of the village of Konstantinovo - the poet's small homeland. The poet's poems are performed by artists playing the roles of Sergei Yesenin and his grandfather. The concert will feature music by outstanding Russian composers G. Ponomarenko, A. Averkin, E. Derbenko, E. Popov, famous Ryazan authors A. Ermakov, N. Vidyuk, G. Galakhov. Choreographic compositions diversify the musical and poetic palette with folk colors.

Director-producer - Marina Yesenina
Duration – 1 h 45 min (2 parts with intermission)
1 h 20 min (1 part)
"Meshchera round dance"
"Meshchersky Round Dance" - anniversary program, which contains the best performances from the choir repertoire: Russian folk songs arranged by E. Popova, V. Zakharova, folklore of the Ryazan region, songs based on poems by S. Yesenin by famous Russian composers, including the "calling card" of the choir – the song "The moon over the window", choreographic productions by choreographers who worked with the collective in different years. In the finale of the concert, "The Lady" will sound colorful, in a folk way. In this dance "competition", the dance group of the collective will demonstrate the most spectacular tricks.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova
Duration – 1 h 45 min (2 parts with intermission)
1 h 20 min (1 part)
"Kolyady Dar"
"Kolyada Gift" is a colorful performance based on ancient calendar holidays: Christmas carols, spring calls, Holy Trinity Day, matchmaking ceremony and autumn - the time of harvest and weddings. This is a place for round dances, lyrical, comic songs, choreographic performanses and acting. The musical part will be the folklore of the Ryazan region. The color of folk melodies will enhance the sound of gusli, zhaleykas, ocarina and percussion. The children's choral studio takes part in the concert.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova
Duration – 1 h 15 min
"Tales of the Ryazan Land"
"Tales of the Ryazan Land" - a musical and literary program, a trip to Old Ryazan and the Great Ryazan Principality, a meeting with legendary heroes - epic heroes, military commanders, and great dukes. The works of the natives of our region Anatoly Novikov, Vasily Agapkin, as well as outstanding Russian composers Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev will revive the "legends of the deep antiquity".

Literary material:
N. Konchalovskaya. Our ancient capital
Historical song about Avdotya Ryazanochka
Epic about Dobrynya Nikitich
A. Solzhenitsyn. Crumbs
Ermolai-Erasmus. The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Lecturer-musicologist - Vladimir Rogulin
Director – Svetlana Sukhova
Duration – 1 h 20 min
"Ryazan crossroads"
"Ryazan Paths-crossroads" is a musical and literary program that invites listeners to travel along the protected paths of Meshchera, meet the inhabitants of this "forest ocean", swim along local rivers and rivulets, as well as get acquainted with outstanding poets and writers whose lives are connected with the Ryazan region.

Literary material:
S. Yesenin
K. Paustovsky
M. Prishvin

Lecturer-musicologist - Vladimir Rogulin
Director – Svetlana Sukhova
Duration – 1 h 20 min
"Snow Maiden"
"The Snow Maiden" is a musical fairy tale based on the play of the same name by A. Ostrovsky. The illustration will be the best folklore works of the Ryazan land and samples of classical music – works by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Grechaninov, G. Sviridov. A dramatic actress reads on behalf of the main character.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova
Duration – 1 h 20 min
"Kasimov's Bride"
"Kasimov Bride" is a musical and literary program, a story about the history of the city of two cultures and about people associated with it. Among them are the servant of the sovereign Simeon Bekbulatovich, the fool of Peter the Great Ivan Balakirev, the translator of Andersen's fairy tales Anna Hansen and the writer Alexander Kuprin. And of course, the listener will learn about the mysterious events of 300 years ago: why the beautiful Euphemia Vsevolozhskaya, the very Kasimov bride, was not destined to become a Russian tsarina and find love.

Literary material:
Poems by E. Markin
I. Grachev. Kasimov: truth and legends
N.Konchalovskaya. Our ancient capital
V. Solovyov. Kasimov bride

Lecturer-musicologist - Vladimir Rogulin
Director – Svetlana Sukhova

Duration – 1 h 20 min

Concert-play “And remember your song, sending it into flight!”
Concert performance "And sending your song flying, remember!"
A musical and dramatic canvas about the feat of the people who stood up against fascism, about the heroes of the front and backbone.
The artists will present not only vocal and dance compositions, but also act as dramatic actors and readers of works of the war years, including front letters.
The songs "Dark Night", "Three Tankmen", "Holy War", "Blue Handkerchief", "Smuglyanka", "At the Eternal Flame", "Russian Mothers", "Ryazan Madonnas", "Victory Day", etc. will be performed.

Fragments from A. Korneychuk's play "The Front", an excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's "Requiem", from A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", and K. Simonov's military lyrics are organically woven into the canvas of the production.
Director-Producer - Honored Artist of Russia Andrey Torkhov

Duration - 1 h 20 min

"Life through dance"
"Life through Dance" - the program includes the best choreographic productions: "The Lady", "Sekirinskaya quadrille", created more than 50 years ago, "Kadom pictures", "Shchatskaya", "Lyrical round dance", included in the repertoire of the collective at the beginning of XX century, and compositions of recent times "Festive", "Beyond the outskirts", "Kasimov bells". The latter will unite the dance traditions of two peoples – Russian and Tatar.

The Orchestra of Folk Instruments will decorate the rich palette of the program, adding virtuoso concert numbers.

Directors – Svetlana Sukhova, Nikolai Shichkin

Duration – 1 h 20 min

"From the history of the Ryazan choir"
"From the history of the Ryazan Choir" - the program includes the entire chronicle of the collective: from a small church ensemble from the hinterland of the province to the present day, the title of state, academic. Today it bears the name of Evgeny Popov, its legendary leader, who led the choir for 47 years!

Choral arrangements of folk songs of the Ryazan region by I. Kosilkina, E. Popov, A. Kozyrev, S. Sukhova will sound in that characteristic Ryazan manner of performance – sonorous, lyrical with unique polyphony and beauty of timbres.

The author's compositions by E. Popov, A. Ermakov, A. Averkin based on S. Yesenin's poems, dance performances and orchestral sketches from different years will delight the viewer with the colorfulness and originality of the performance.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova

Duration – 1 h 20 min

"Ryazan artisan"
"Ryazan crafts" is a land of real craftsmen, where folk crafts have been flourishing for a long time. The products of local carpenters, blacksmiths, coopers, potters and embroiderers were famous throughout Russia. Mikhailovsky lace and Kadomsky veniz, Skopinsky ceramics, Shilovskaya vine and Kasimov bells are still symbols of the Ryazan land today. The program will tell about crafts and often nameless creators.
Lecturer-musicologist - Vladimir Rogulin

Director – Svetlana Sukhova
Duration – 1 h 20 min

Literary material:
D. Rodari "What crafts smell like"
V. Semin "Legends of the Ryazan region"
S. Yesenin "Oh, you sleigh"
A. Pushkin "The tale of the priest and his worker Balda"

R. Rozhdestvensky "About the masters"

“Song of Ryazan, sound!”
In the Ryazan region, the song was "played": it was a whole performance with dancing and an uncomplicated plot. The program includes song and dance folklore of the Ryazan land. Many of the acts are inspired by historical artistic crafts. Bright and unusual are presented in the dance "Skopinsky potters", the melodious lyrical round dance "Mikhailovsky lace" immerses the viewer in the magic of lace weaving, and Ryazan coopers powerfully and fervently start dancing in the vocal and choreographic composition "Enough, enough for you guys to drink beer".

The program is also filled with the lyricism and sincerity of Yesenin's poems, which is so famous for the Ryazan choir. Songs of famous composers will be performed: "calling card" of the collective "The moon over the window" by E. Popov based on the poems of S. Yesenin, "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" to the music of G. Ponomarenko, the famous "Going on leave", "You don't love me, you don't regret" by A. Averkin, "Come to woo" by A. Novikov, etc.

In the finale of the concert - "Ryazan lady” - an exciting action filled with sparkling ditties and virtuoso tricks that will make the audience sing and dance with the artists!
Director – Svetlana Sukhova

Duration – 1 h

"Russian Song"
"Russian Song" - in this program, all vocal numbers are performed a cappella. Singing without musical accompaniment requires careful, painstaking work. Each singer must have intonational flexibility and accurately fit into the choral system.

The viewer will feel it to the fullest and will hear all the facets of the Russian song, then drawling and lyrical, then fervent and calling to dance. The choir will perform the spiritual poems "The Soul has Called" and "My Soul", the songs "Clear Moon" by A. Novikov and D. Tereshchenko, "Moscow Evenings" by V. Solovyov-Sedoy and M. Matusovsky, "There is one good song at the Nightingale" by A. Kozyrev and "You are my Fallen Maple", written on poems S. Yesenina, folk songs of the Ryazan region "Bochenka", "Oh, walk, girls, time", "Tunba", "Don't rage, the winds are violent".
The ballet troupe of the choir will perform for the audience their favorite choreographic productions – "Shatskaya", "Kasimov Bells" and "Lyrical Round Dance". "Russian Land" – a prayerful song about the feat of Russian saints will be performed at the end of the concert.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova

Duration – 1 h 20 min

“Song of Ryazan, sound!”
"The Song of Ryazan" - the program is dedicated to the legendary leaders of the team - I.I. Kosilkina and E.G. Popov. It contains arrangements of folk songs collected in the Ryazan region by outstanding choirmasters, as well as author's compositions by E. Popov based on poems by S. Yesenin, S. Smirnov-Smelov, O. Zaokskaya, Yu. Afonin.
In the first block, treatments of folk songs will be performed: "Oh, walk, girls, time", "Grass", "You, rowan tree", "Siz Orel". The outfits of the artists are a stylization of women's and men's clothes of the south of the Ryazan region, common in the early twentieth century.

A special place in the concert is occupied by compositions based on S. Yesenin's poems. "The feather grass sleeps", "The moon is over the window", vocal and choreographic production "Birch" to the music of E. Popov and poems by S. Yesenin. These compositions are the decoration of the program of the Ryazan Choir.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova

Duration – 1 h 20 min

"Song of Ryazan"
"The Song of Ryazan" - the program is dedicated to the legendary leaders of the team - I.I. Kosilkina and E.G. Popov. It contains arrangements of folk songs collected in the Ryazan region by outstanding choirmasters, as well as author's compositions by E. Popov based on poems by S. Yesenin, S. Smirnov-Smelov, O. Zaokskaya, Yu. Afonin.
In the first block, treatments of folk songs will be performed: "Oh, walk, girls, time", "Grass", "You, rowan tree", "Siz Orel". The outfits of the artists are a stylization of women's and men's clothes of the

south of the Ryazan region, common in the early twentieth century.
A special place in the concert is occupied by compositions based on S. Yesenin's poems. "The feather grass sleeps", "The moon is over the window", vocal and choreographic production "Birch" to the music of E. Popov and poems by S. Yesenin. These compositions are the decoration of the program of the Ryazan Choir.

Director – Svetlana Sukhova

Duration – 1 h 20 min

Performance-concert “Parable”
The plot in an epic manner talks about the events of ancient times, wedding ceremonies, about the beliefs of distant ancestors - Rusich. The production uses music created by the St. Petersburg composer Rustam Sagdiyev specifically for the Ryazan Choir. The musical basis of the plot was Russian folk songs ("Plait the fence", "And we sowed millet") and songs of the Ryazan province ("Oh, there was a cat", "The pigeon has a golden head"). The performance also uses songs from the repertoire of outstanding singers ("Whitewash", "It's raining outside"). The visual image of the performance is based on the Russian folk costume, ornaments of the Ryazan province and the Old Russian ritual aesthetics.

Director-Producer Dmitry Otyakovsky

Duration – 1h 45 min (2 parts), 1 h 20 min (1 part), with intermission

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390000, Ryazan, Lenin str., 26
from 09.00 to 18.00
break from 13.00 to 14.00

Saturday, Sunday — day off
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